
Why Universities Need to Embrace Generative AI to Ensure Future Success

Why Universities Need to Embrace Generative AI to Ensure Future Success

Explore and find out more about the pressing challenges in higher education, such as the increased workloads of academic staff, the need for personalised student support and the role AI plays in solving these issues.

Nikita Dumitriuc

15 Aug 2024


The well-being and academic success of students have always been the top priority for universities. In today’s rapidly evolving world, technological advancements such as the recent innovations we have seen in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) field offer new and innovative solutions to ever existing problems. As AI adoption increases across various sectors, it is important for universities to embrace this technology to ensure future success and maintain their commitment to student achievements and well-being.  

Problems in Higher Education 

Universities today are facing a multitude of challenges, such as; increasing student-teacher ratios and significant administrative burdens on academic staff, meaning staff find it harder to provide individual attention to each student; as well as the need to address the diverse requirements of students from various cultural and academic backgrounds as well as language barriers. For instance, surveys indicate that 44% of academic staff in the UK report their workloads as unmanageable [UCU Workload Survey]. This is compounded by students' struggles with slow and inefficient communication methods, which result in delays in their academic progress. These issues underscore the pressing need for innovative solutions that can improve the experiences of both students and educators. Effective implementation of technology, particularly AI, can streamline administrative tasks, facilitate more efficient communication, and offer personalised support to students, thereby enhancing the overall educational environment.  

Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education  

The rise in AI is mainly attributed to OpenAI and its ChatGPT. As technology became popular and adoption widespread across many industries and sectors including the educational sector, many educators and students turned to these technologies for enhanced academic support. Surveys point out that over 86% of students use AI in their studies [DES Global AI Student Survey].   

AI applications in other segments of the education industry provide valuable insights into the benefits that could be replicated in higher education. For instance, platforms like Coursera and Duolingo leverage AI to tailor course recommendations and provide instant feedback, enabling students to learn at their own pace and address specific academic challenges. Coursera’s AI-driven platform analyses learner behaviour to suggest personalised content [Coursera], while Duolingo uses AI to adapt language lessons to each user's proficiency level [Duolingo]. Similarly, IBM’s Watson Education offers personalised lesson plans and identifies gaps in student understanding, facilitating more targeted and effective teaching strategies. These examples illustrate how AI is already transforming education and highlight its potential in higher education.  

In practice, almost all students face academic struggles that AI can help mitigate. For instance, a student grappling with complex concepts in a physics course might use an AI tutoring system like Squirrel AI, which provides tailored exercises and explanations to address specific areas of difficulty. Similarly, students in large lecture courses benefit from personalised discussions where AI-driven chatbots can answer frequently asked questions, allowing instructors to focus on more nuanced and difficult queries.  

In today's competitive educational landscape, it is imperative for universities to embrace AI technologies. By integrating AI, universities can enhance educational outcomes, streamline administrative processes, and provide personalised support to students. AI-driven solutions can help universities manage increasing student-teacher ratios, reduce administrative burdens on academic staff, and cater to the diverse needs of students from various cultural and academic backgrounds. Failure to adopt AI could result in universities falling behind in offering the innovative and efficient educational experiences that students expect and deserve. Embracing AI not only positions universities at the forefront of educational innovation but also ensures their long-term success in a rapidly evolving digital world.  

Artificial Intelligence Is Not Without It’s Own Problems   

As the adoption of AI in education increases, the benefits are becoming more apparent. However, it's essential to acknowledge and address the potential drawbacks of AI as well. AI technologies, while advanced, are not infallible and can sometimes produce inaccurate or misleading information. These inaccuracies, often termed as "hallucinations," occur when AI generates plausible but incorrect responses. For instance, AI chatbots might provide incorrect answers to academic questions, potentially leading students astray.   

Furthermore, students may misuse AI to generate straightforward answers for assignments and coursework, thereby bypassing critical thinking and the learning process. This misuse can undermine educational goals aimed at developing students' problem-solving and analytical skills, leading to superficial learning and academic dishonesty. For instance, students might rely on AI to complete essays or solve complex problems without understanding the underlying concepts.  Moreover, AI in education raises concerns about academic integrity, ethics, and equity. The ease of access to AI-generated content can tempt students to engage in dishonest practices, compromising the integrity of their academic work.  

In response to these challenges, it was not surprising that today many professors and academic staff have a hostile view towards AI and its uses. Universities have implemented varying policies, some that limit or even prohibit the use of AI in some modules. While some professors are explicitly against use of AI to preserve academic integrity and ensure that students are genuinely engaging with their studies some are taking a more proactive approach by encouraging students to use it and providing students with guidelines to regulate their use. These measures highlight the need for a balanced approach that allows for the benefits of AI while mitigating its potential drawbacks.  

Plato’s Approach  

At Plato, we are committed to addressing the challenges associated with AI adoption in higher education by offering a range of innovative functionalities designed to enhance both student and educator experiences. Our AI-powered chatbot provides instant responses to student queries by leveraging data from module materials, thereby reducing the risk of hallucinations and ensuring tailored, module-specific assistance. We are also committed to educating and aiding students to use AI in a responsible manner; we make it easy for students to check the sources we used in creating an answer, allowing students to ensure responses are accurate within the module materials; as well as encouraging students to work to an answer step-by-step, aiding students while ensuring students continue developing their critical thinking. You can learn more about our approach and principles in “Our AI Principles” blog post.  

Moreover, by leveraging Plato's AI-driven chatbot for query resolution, we help reduce the burden on academic staff, freeing up educators to focus on more complex, value-added tasks such as personalised mentoring and curriculum development, ultimately improving both teaching efficiency and student outcomes.  

Solving Barriers to Adoption in Higher Education 

Despite its benefits, AI adoption in education faces several barriers. Concerns over data privacy, the complexity of implementation, and resistance to change are significant hurdles. Addressing these involves robust data security measures, incremental implementation plans, and comprehensive training for both staff and students. Moreover, the high costs associated with advanced technologies and the digital divide in student access to technology further complicate widespread adoption. Collaboration with solution providers like Plato can streamline this process, ensuring a seamless transition to AI-enhanced education all while ensuring data privacy and making the integration process as simple and straight-forward as possible.  

It is evident that AI has changed the way many students' study and consume education material and the investment into EdTech startups is going to increase the use and applications of AI in education. One thing we can say for certain is that AI is here to stay, and universities need to be proactive in implementing AI into their education and curriculum to stay up to date with student demands and needs.   

There are many ways this can be done but rather than attempting a radical shift to AI, universities could adopt a phased approach to integration. Incremental implementation allows for the gradual introduction of AI tools, ensuring each stage is thoroughly evaluated and refined before expanding further. This approach can involve pilot programs that test AI solutions in limited settings to identify potential issues and areas for improvement. By progressing in manageable steps, institutions can minimise disruptions and adapt to challenges more effectively, ensuring a smoother transition to AI-enhanced education.  

Furthermore, comprehensive training programs for both educators and students are crucial to the successful integration of AI in education. These programs should focus on how to effectively use AI tools, understand their limitations, and apply them ethically. Training sessions can include workshops, online courses, and hands-on practice sessions that cater to different needs. Continuous learning opportunities should also be provided to keep all stakeholders up-to-date with the latest AI developments and best practices, ensuring that both staff and students are well-equipped to leverage AI technology effectively.  

Lastly, clear and comprehensive policies must be established to guide the ethical use of AI in education. These policies should address critical issues such as academic integrity and data privacy. Institutions need to develop frameworks that outline acceptable AI usage, procedures for addressing violations, and strategies for promoting equitable access to AI tools. Regular reviews and updates to these policies can help institutions stay aligned with evolving ethical standards and technological advancements. By establishing robust policies, universities can foster a culture of responsible AI use that enhances learning experiences while safeguarding academic standards and equity.  


The integration of AI in higher education presents a wealth of benefits alongside notable challenges. AI can significantly enhance academic support, personalise learning experiences, and improve engagement for students. Specifically in Plato’s case, it could also alleviate administrative burdens for educators, allowing them to focus on core teaching responsibilities and better understand student needs through actionable analytics. However, these advancements come with challenges, including the risk of misuse, issues related to academic integrity, and concerns over implementation.  

For universities to remain competitive and ensure future success, embracing AI is crucial. This technological integration must be done thoughtfully and responsibly to maintain a balance between innovation and the commitment to student well-being and academic integrity. Universities should implement robust policies, provide comprehensive training, and ensure ethical use of AI to address these challenges effectively.  

The call to action for universities is clear: integrate AI thoughtfully and responsibly. By doing so, they can harness the transformative potential of AI to create a more effective, engaging, and supportive educational environment for both students and educators. 

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